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INSTANT COLD PACK 14cm x 23cm (Unit)

INSTANT COLD PACK 14cm x 23cm (Unit)


Reference : 033107U


Easy and quick to use, the Sport Performance Santé Instant cold pack is highly effective for treating sport injuries and can be carried as first aid to remote or wilderness areas where ice is unavailable.

Sold individually.

Product also sold in boxes of 16, see reference 033107. 

Volume discounts

From Price Price with taxes
1 €1.85 €1.85
6 €1.80 €1.80
11 €1.75 €1.75
More than 16 €1.70 €1.70
brightness_1 In stock

Conveniently ready when needed and easy to use, this Sport Performance Santé Instant cold pack is effective to relieve pain, bruises, strains, tendonitis and other traumas. The cold facilitates the local blood supply and limits the formation of bruises or bosses.

The instant cold pack consists of two bags; one containing water, inside a bag containing ammonium nitrate. When the inner bag of water is broken by squeezing the package, it dissolves the solid in an endothermic process. This process absorbs heat from the surroungdings, quickly lowering the pack's temperature.


- No special preparation or refrigeration

- Single-use compress

- Dimensions: 15cm x 22cm

- Long lasting effect

- Naturally conforms to the body's many contours


Read the user manual, single-use medical device. Store pack at room temperature.

Locate inner pouch & squeeze firmly to break. Shake well to mix the contents. Apply to injured area.